Our dedicated employees and Board members along with hundreds of committed volunteers are the people who “make it happen” at Building One Community. They are the essence of the services we provide and the immigrants we support.

Executive Director:
Elena Perez Moreno
(203) 674-8585 ext. 105
Deputy Director:
Ivonne Zucco
(203) 674-8585 ext. 111
Program Director:
Fanny Ferreira
(203) 674-8585 ext. 145
Development & External Relations
Development & External Relations Director:
Valeta Prendergast
(203) 674-8585 ext.141
Communications Director:
Suzanne Wind
(203) 674-8585 ext. 136
Grants Manager:
Claire Turner
(203) 674-8585 ext. 154
Volunteer Manager:
Jennifer Sierra
(203) 674-8585 ext. 152
Development Coordinator:
Gina Atanasoff
(203) 674-8585 ext. 131
Adult Education and Workforce Development
ELL Director:
Gretchen Anderson
(203) 674-8585 ext. 107
Workforce Development Manager:
Olga Lopez
(203) 674-8585 ext. 116
ELL Manager:
Suzanne Vega
(203) 674-8585 ext. 103
ELL Training Coordinator:
Patrice Morley
(203) 674-8585
Skills Development Coordinator:
Jessica Stone
(203) 674-8585 ext. 137
Employment Coordinator:
Isabelle Riou
(203) 674-8585 ext. 143
Workers Outreach Coordinator:
Jonnatan Tovar
(203) 674-8585 ext. 102
Technology Specialist:
Miguel Carnero
(203) 674-8585 ext. 138
Family Services
Family Services Manager:
Nijole Vileikis
(203) 674-8585 ext. 122
Family Services Case Manager:
Fernanda Moreno Soto
(203) 674-8585 ext. 134
Family Services Case Manager:
Izadorha Cayo
(203) 674-8585 ext. 144
Family Services Case Manager:
Natasha Colo
(203) 674-8585 ext. 127
Academic Enrichment
Academic Enrichment Manager:
Bernadette Sotomayor
(203) 674-8585 ext. 135
Academic Enrichment Coordinator:
Gia Vaccarezza
(203) 674-8585 ext. 119
Immigration Legal Services
Immigration Legal Services Director:
Renee Redman, Esq.
(203) 674-8585 ext. 155
Immigration Legal Services Family and Humanitarian Practice Director:
Adriana Podesta, Esq.
(203) 674-8585 ext. 112
Removal Defense Attorney:
Paola Idrovo, Esq.
(203) 674-8585 ext. 121
Family and Humanitarian Practice Attorney:
Catherine Butcher, Esq.
(203) 674-8585 ext. 130
Immigration Legal Services Paralegal:
Leni Borges
(203) 674-8585 ext. 149
Immigration Legal Services Paralegal:
Eva Lopez Reyman
(203) 674-8585 ext. 140
IJC Fellow:
Isabel Espinosa Schatz
(203) 674-8585 ext. 129
Immigration Legal Services Paralegal:
Cristina Villarreal
(203) 674-8585 ext. 156
IJC Fellow:
Israel Lopez
(203) 674-8585 ext. 124
Immigration Legal Services Assistant:
Jenny Ramirez
(203) 674-8585 ext. 115
Operations Manager:
Valeria Verdejo
(203) 674-8585 ext. 132
Office Manager:
Lupita Figueroa
(203) 674-8585 ext. 117
Human Resources Manager:
Margarita Zimmerman
(203) 674-8585 ext. 120
Outreach and Marketing Coordinator:
Lina Rojas
(203) 674-8585 ext. 123
Data and Systems Manager:
Sophia Corsaro
(203) 674-8585 ext. 147
Community Navigator:
Edrice Domond
(203) 674-8585 ext. 151
Data and Systems Coordinator:
Estefania Serrano
(203) 674-8585 ext. 113
Facilities Coordinators:
Leonel Restrepo,
Yenny Rodriguez,
Doris Victorino,
Katiusca Baldeon
(203) 674-8585 ext. 110
Board of Directors
- Mary Sommer, Chair
- Susan Adamsen, Vice – Chair
- Terrie E. Wood, Secretary
- Ellen Williams, Secretary
- Patrick de Saint-Aignan, Treasurer
- Sonia Alcantarilla
- Aldo Cabrera
- Josephine Fulcher Anderson
- Angelica D. Gorrio
- Talay Hafiz
- Belle Horwitz
- Laura Jordan
- Noah Lapine
- Dr. Tamu Lucero
- Douglas R. Penn
- Andy Schau
- Jon Gold
- Omar Dinar
- Frank Huck
- Christopher Geotes, Esq., Pro-Bono Counsel
Past Board Members
- Jeannette Ayerza
- Ana Maria Badash*
- Bia Bettamio
- The Rev. Jean-Luc Charles
- Jorge Chiluisa
- Beatrice Chodosh*
- Adhlere Coffy
- Angeles Dam
- Melanie Danisi
- Carmen Domonkos
- Anne Downey
- Ginny Fox
- Sarita Hanley*
- Ellen Isidro
- The Rev. Tommie Jackson
- Maryann Kann
- Earl Kim
- Bruce Koe*
- Peter Krane*
- Hana Lane
- Rev. Mark Lingle*
- Robie Livingstone
- Mary Luvera
- Mary Maarbjerg*
- Eilish Main
- Eva Maldonado*
- Alex Martinez
- Mike Meyer*
- Ted Michelfelder
- Caroline Murray*
- Cathy Ostuw*
- Rev. Juan David Paniagua*
- The Rev. Edward Pardoe
- Diane Rosenthal*
- Maria Sandoval
- David Smith*
- Aleksandr Troyb
- Mirellise Vazquez
- Kathleen Walsh*
- Arthur Wit
- Ximena Velasquez
- Jose Luis Zepeda
- Arisleyda Riehl
*Founding Board Members
- Catalina Samper Horak, Founding Executive Director
- William Malpica, Esq., former Pro-Bono Counsel
- David Cohen, Esq., Pro-Bono Counsel
We are currently looking for a:
Springboard Program Coordinator
Springboard Program Coordinator
Events Manager
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Facilities Maintenance Coordinator
To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter and resume to Jobs@b1c.org. No telephone calls, please.
Because It Takes a Village to Build One Community.
Our partners are essential to the success of our work at Building One Community and to the advancement of our mission.
From devoted volunteers who share their time and skills, to the generous donors providing financial or in-kind support, to the community and program partners that work with us hand in hand to make our life-changing programs a reality. Together we act as a beacon of hope to the immigrant community.
The deep appreciation we have for our partners is boundless. Without you, we simply could not be the Center for Immigrant Opportunity.
Our Community and Program Partners include:
- 4-CT
- All Our Kin
- American Immigration Lawyers Association, CT Chapter
- Americares
- Avon Theater
- Bruce Museum
- Cancer Care
- Catholic Charities of Fairfield County
- Catholic Legal Immigration Network
- Center for Children's Advocacy
- Center for Wellbeing/Centro Bienestar
- City of Stamford
- Child Guidance Center
- Children’s Learning Center
- Community Groups: Crisol, Quetzal, HACGS
- Community Health Center
- Congregation Shir Ami
- Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut
- ConnCAN
- Connecticut Department of Children and Families
- Connecticut Fair Housing Center
- Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI)
- Connecticut Legal Services
- Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center
- CT Data Collaborative
- CT Private Schools: Brunswick School, Greens Farms Academy, Greenwich Academy, Greenwich Country Day School, King School, New Canaan Country School, Rye Country Day School, Sacred Heart High School
- CT Public High Schools: AITE, Brien McMahon, Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Stamford, Staples, Westhill, Weston
- CT Students for a Dream
- Domestic Violence Crisis Center
- East Side Partnership
- Fairfield University
- FaithActs for Education
- Family and Children's Agency
- Family Centers Inc
- Ferguson Library
- Filling in the Blanks
- Future Five
- Goodwill of Western and Northern Connecticut
- Grace Church
- Greater Stamford Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- Green of Greenwich
- Immigrant Justice Corps (IJC)
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)
- Inspirica
- Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS)
- Interfaith Council of Southwestern Connecticut
- Kids Helping Kids
- Lower Fairfield County Immigration Collaborative (LFCIC)
- Make the Road CT
- Members Credit Union
- Neighbor to Neighbor
- New Canaan Community Foundation
- New Covenant Center
- Norwalk Art Space
- Norwalk Community College
- Open Door Shelter
- OPTIMUS Health Care
- Orchestra Lumos
- Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
- Pacific House
- Parent Leadership Training Institute
- Person-to-Person
- Pro-Bono Partnership
- Protecting Immigrant Families Coalition
- Qualitas of Life Foundation
- River House Adult Day Center
- Rowan Center
- Rye Country Day School
- Saint Joseph Parenting Center
- St. Luke’s Parish Darien
- Salvation Army
- SimplifyCT
- Social Venture Partners
- SoundWaters
- Springboard Collaborative
- Stamford Cradle to Career (SC2C)
- Stamford Health and Social Services
- Stamford Hospital
- Stamford Police Department
- Stamford Public Education Foundation
- Stamford Public Schools / Office of Family and Community Engagement / Stamford Adult & Continuing Education
- Stamford Senior Center
- State Education Resource Center
- Talmadge Hill Community Church
- Temple Beth El
- Trinity Church
- Unitarian Church in Westport
- United Methodist Church of Darien
- United Parents and Students
- Vera Institute of Justice
- Vita - The Stamford Community Collaborative
- Waterside Coalition
- Women's Business Development Council
- Youth Community Fund of Darien