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B1C 10 YR Color 2

Thank you for joining together at our
Annual Spring Benefit to celebrate
Building One Community’s 10th anniversary.

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B1C 10 YR Color 2

You make it possible — as participants, volunteers, partners, and donors — by working powerfully together to build one strong, diverse and inclusive community.

The past 10 years have been transformative for the Greater Stamford community. Thanks to people like you, successfully integrating into our community isn’t just a dream. It’s a reality for thousands of immigrants who would otherwise be without vital support and opportunities when they need help the most.

$ of $350,000

With your continued partnership, the next 10 years hold even greater promise!

Our Virtual Spring Benefit

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Thank you

for all your support!

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with founding members

Catalina Horak, Cathy Ostuw, & Kathie Walsh.

Don’t forget: Meet Our Community and hear their stories celebrating BIC’s 10th anniversary!

With sincere thanks to our 2021 Virtual Benefit Sponsors:

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Leadership Sponsors:


Presenting Sponsors:

The Inisfad Foundation

The Walter Kann Foundation

Diamond Sponsors:

Anne Downey & Ken Wiegand

Sarita & Greg Hanley

Bruce & Linda Koe

Neuberger Berman

Platinum Sponsors:

David & Rochelle Charnin
Ann Mandel
Miguel & Jill Patricio
Pitney Bowes Foundation
Stamford Health
Arthur & Leigh Wit

Gold Sponsors:

Kerrin & Stephne Behrend
Berkowitz & Hanna LLC
Peter B. Cannell & Co., Inc.
The Goodnow Fund
Maryann Kann & George Cooke
King School
Hana & John Lane
Mary Maarbjerg
Rev. Ted Pardoe
Maria & Oscar Sandoval
Julie Thiele & Paul Kempner
Jose Luis & Sarah Zepeda

Silver Sponsors:

Ana Beatriz Bettamio
Wendy & Jason Block
Andrea & David Cohen
Karen & Henry Gunders
Eileen & Tom Hynes
Richard Lawrence & Laura Leach
Anne Celeste & Michael O’Rourke
Cathy & Rich Ostuw
Law Offices of Douglas R. Penn, LLC
Cathy Ranieri & Yves Gaden
Arisleyda Riehl
Bob & Lisa Schultz
Mary Sommer & Jay Sandak
Mirellise Vazquez & Thomas Birmingham
Terrie & Jay Wood
John & Anne Young

Chrome Sponsors:

Paula & Mark Argosh

Kathi & Ron Bacchi

Anka Badurina & Roberto Sobrino

Maureen Baehr

Joey & Steve Buck

Eilish Collins Main

Mark & Angeles Dam

Cece & Mike Donoghue

Nancy B. Gramps

Carole Greenberg

Catalina & Ivan Horak

Mark Lingle & Marnie Sadlowsky

Dr. Tamu & Mr. John D. Lucero

Morgan & Betsy Mitchell

Cynthia & John Keith Russell

Everett & Sally Schenk

David & Sarah Sealy

Stephen Sinacore

David Smith & Sonya Singh-Smith

Betsey & Gary Unger

Anne Wichman

Ellen Williams

Bronze Sponsors:


Harry E. Allan

Jennifer Barbagallo

Jennifer & David Barnard

Josh Barton

Brooke & Wells Beck

Eric & Betty Brennan

Kate Brennan

Mary Beth Busby

Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey, LLP

Kathryn Emmett

Anne Marie Fox

Sam & Emily Gordon

Al & Judy Gordon

Myra & John Graubard

Joanna Gwozdziowski

Rabbi Joshua Hammerman, Temple Beth El

Andrew & Paula Hanson

Mike & Sally Harris

Nicole P. Heath

Belle Horwitz and Jon Weiner, Temple Beth El

Ellen Isidro

Juanita James & Dudley Williams

Barbara Karis & Bill Downey

Keating & Quigley Educational Consultants

Peter Krane

Carolina McGoey

Betsy & Paul Mendelson

Regina V. Miolene

Susan Mirza

Patricia & David Nelson

Organization of Chinese Americans in Fairfield County

Fr. Harry Pappas

William H. Parr & Company, LLP

Philip & Myriam Raber

Audrey Roco

Ann Rogers

Diane Rosenthal

Whitney Sachs

Maria E. Salgar

Thrift Shop of First Congregational Church

Aleksandr Troyb

Carlyle Chaudruc Upson

Kathleen & Michael Walsh

Glenn Wecker

Thank you to Stamford Magazine, our exclusive magazine sponsor.

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Building One Community is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletters.

Building One Community is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Stay in touch:

Follow us on social media or sign up for our newsletters.

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