Light a Fire Awards 2022

By Greenwich Magazine
“I was very lucky to go to a high school with so many resources,” says Darien resident Saskia Zimmerman, a first-generation American. “My parents immigrated [her mother from El Salvador and father from Holland] to the United States, and they have worked very hard to provide me with the best possible education within their reach. I had the opportunity to take challenging classes [at Darien High School], to learn to play the violin, to fence, and to participate in many extracurricular clubs and activities. Not everyone has that good fortune. That’s why I worked with immigrant children at Building One Community (B1C) because they should also have those same opportunities.” The kids served by B1C, an organization focused on the successful integration of immigrants and their families, attend schools that often don’t have the resources Saskia benefitted from, and knowing that inspired her to make a difference.
During high school, Saskia volunteered by offering academic tutoring and violin lessons, and she also led a Homework Club. Last summer, she developed a summer STEAM Club for elementary school-age children at B1C.