John Breunig (opinion): Advice for immigrants as Trump pledges mass deportation. ‘Don’t draw any attention to yourselves’

By John Breunig, New Haven Register
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong rose from his chair Tuesday night to look at the faces in the audience at Stamford’s Ferguson Library.
“I have to stand,” Tong said. “I just want to see everybody.”
This night was all about being seen — and not being seen — and Tong was hardly alone in taking a stand. He was part of a panel attempting to buoy immigrants one week after the presidential election.
I mentally froze the moment to consider the tableau as a painting in the category of social realism. Here in the public library — the hub of Connecticut’s marquee city — an attorney general was joined by a mayor, a police chief and a superintendent of schools. A church pastor made a cameo to complete the picture. Voices of justice, government, law, education and faith. The pillars of most American towns. All trying to quell anxiety that turned into fear as dawn finally arrived on Nov. 6. All sharing the same message with immigrants: "Don’t draw any attention to yourselves."