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Many of the hundreds of people we serve have been living paycheck to paycheck, with jobs such as cleaners, childcare providers, restaurant workers, and landscapers. Now their hours have been cut or, worse, their jobs are gone. Since many do not have personal savings and aren't able to navigate the city's social services without our help, they face a chaotic and stressful time. We won’t leave them stranded. We’re working around the clock to help our vulnerable community.

Please support their efforts and ours by donating to B1C’s COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND.

Your donation will allow us to continue operations through the end of the year
and will enable us to:

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  • Organize distributions of grocery store gift cards and rental assistance to families struggling with unemployment. 
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  • Connect English Language Learning students and teachers virtually and physically in small groups

  • Offer learning support for school-aged children and bridge the digital opportunity gap.

  • Advance immigration legal consultations by phone, video and safe in-person visits

  • Provide urgent case management for people without health insurance or a financial safety net. 

Grab and Go
  • Serve as a pickup site for partner-prepared Grab and Go meals for children who rely on school-provided food

Over the years, B1C has built up trust within the community; we have been immigrants’ go-to place in times of personal crisis. As this crisis hits everyone, they need us even more. We are responding. In the days ahead, as events unfold, B1C will continue to adapt to help immigrants thrive. 

We are one community. We will not let them down, and with your help, we will continue to build one strong community for all. 

Take good care of yourself – and others – during these tough times. Thank you for your support. 

Copy of Thank You! (1)

A special thanks to our early Benefit Breakfast supporters

BB25 Sponsors for Website (5 x 7 in) (2)

Leadership Sponsor $20,000+

The Inisfad Foundation – Eleanor Riemer & Lawrence Cavanagh
Bruce & Linda Koe
The Walter Kann Foundation

Presenting Sponsors $15,000-$19,999

Sarita & Greg Hanley

Diamond Sponsor $10,000 - $14,999

Susan & William Adamsen
Anne Downey & Ken Wiegand
Mary Sommer & Jay Sandak

Platinum Sponsor $5,000 - $9,999

Sonia Alcantarilla & Marcelo Gigliani
Jane Carlin & Ben Gifford
Anne & Frank Huck
Maryann Kann
Mayor David Martin
Andy Schau & Madeline Turci Schau
Hon. Terrie & Jay Wood

Gold Sponsor $2,500-$4,999

Alexander Family, Commerce Packaging Corporation
Aldo & Amy Cabrera
Belle Horwitz & Jon Weiner
Jill & Miguel Patricio
Mary Maarbjerg & Ginny Fox
Mirellise Vazquez & Thomas Birmingham
Jose Luis & Sarah Zepeda

Silver Sponsor - $1,250-$2,499

Anonymous (2)
Anka Badurina & Roberto Sobrino
Jerry Bosak
Eilish Collins Main
George Cooke
Mark & Angeles Dam
First Congregational Church of Darien
Holly & Noah Lapine
Carolina & Dan McGoey
Members of Temple Beth El
Law Offices of Douglas R Penn LLC
Elena Perez & Horst Gallo
Everett & Sally Schenk

Chrome Sponsor - $500-$1249

Catalina & Ivan Horak
Rachel & Jaideep Khanna
Donna & Jim Lutton
Cathy & Rich Ostuw
Cynthia & John Keith Russell
Kathleen & Michael Walsh
Ellen Williams & Andrew Schultz

Bronze Sponsor - $250-$499

Susan & Suresh Bhirud

Building One Community is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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