Last updated 01-27-22
B1C’s Winter COVID Protocol
As of February 1, 2023 masks are optional in any of our locations.
Please re-schedule your appointment if you are not feeling well.
Thank you for your cooperation
How can I stay up to date with announcements and important information from B1C?
Please make sure to follow us on all social media outlets linked at the top and bottom of this page, check our website, and sign up for our newsletter. We will continue to use these three communication vehicles to distribute information.
Important Community Phone Number and Resources:
Stamford Health COVID-19 hotline at 203.276.4111, 7 days a week, from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
Please click here to be connected to the latest updates from the City of Stamford. Here you can find out information regarding the latest COVID-19 testing sites.
Click here to view our comprehensive COVID-19 Safety booklet.
If you feel sick, you should call the Stamford Health Hotline or make an appointment to get tested for COVID-19. Click here for updated locations.
We recommend to check the following links for more information:
- CT Department of Health Information on COVID-19
- Town of Stamford Health Information on COVID-19
- World Health Organization (WHO) Information about Coronavirus US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Situation Summary
- CDC: Stop The Spread (English version) - Detenga La Propagación De Los Microbiosayude (Spanish version)
- Resources and updates from Stamford Hospital
- Choose "All City News & Announcements" to receive daily COVID-19 and other updates from the City of Stamford
- City of Stamford COVID-19 Information for Residents
A BIG thank you for staying informed and supporting B1C.