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‘We have no safety net’: Fears mount for immigrants during coronavirus crisis

The Hour Insider


By Justin Pappas

In the cramped kitchen of a Spanish restaurant in Bridgeport, cooks, dishwashers and delivery drivers work in close contact with each other with no personal protective equipment, each sacrificing their health in pursuit of a paycheck, according to one employee.

The employee, like some of her co-workers, is undocumented. The 34-year-old Bridgeport woman said employees can bring their own masks, if they have them, but requests to the restaurant’s owners have been met with thinly-veiled threats about them being “replaceable.”

Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelans: Free Information and Q&A on May 4 @ 6 PM

Monday - FEBRUARY 3rd
2 hours delayed opening
B1C will open at 10 am at all locations
Stay safe and warm.

2 horas de retraso
B1C abrirá a las 10 a. m. en todas las ubicaciones
Mantente seguro y abrigado.

2 èdtan ouvèti reta
B1C ap ouvri a 10 am nan tout kote
Rete an sekirite epi cho.

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