Lamont, ofisyèl leta mete aksan sou vaksinasyon nan kominote imigran nan klinik Stamford
Gouvènè Ned Lamont te nan yon klinik vaksinasyon COVID-19 nan Stamford Dimanch ansanm ak Senatè Richard Blumenthal, Depite Jim Himes, majistra a ak lòt moun.
Yo di objektif la se ede kominote imigran yo jwenn aksè a vaksen an.
"Getting people vaccinated in neighborhoods like this one, communities of color, immigrant heavy communities where, sadly, all too often those most vulnerable to COVID are those least likely to get vaccinated," Himes said.
"This doesn't work unless trusted advocates who people believe tell you this is the right thing to do for you, your family, and your community," Lamont said
Apeprè 350 dòz yo te administre nan evènman an bay moun 55 ak plis.