Evènman Jounen Kominote a prezante Building One Community (B1C) nan Shippan Neighborship
Pa North Hamlethub Stamford a
Prizes, giveaways, kids' activities, free flu shots, live Q&A with an Immigration Legal Services Director, B1C programs, and services introduction were just a few great reasons to visit Building One Community and its partners on a beautiful sunny September day.
Plizyè santèn manm kominote a te vizite Building One Community (B1C) Dimanch ki sot pase a pou premye Evènman Jounen Kominote li a. Yon rasanbleman ki gen entansyon selebre vwazen yo epi prezante patisipan potansyèl ak aktyèl yo nan Building One Community, The Center for Immigrant Opportunity.
Patnè B1C tou te rantre nan fèstivite yo. Americares ak Walgreens te bay vaksen kont grip gratis pou granmoun. Moun a Moun pote gadmanje mobil yo. Depatman Lapolis Stamford te pote inite K-9 yo ak Bomb Squad mobil yo. Child Guidance Center te ofri resous kominotè e li te jwe jwèt. Bank of America te gen òf espesyal nouvo kont. Gwoup volontè lekòl segondè prive ak piblik ki soti nan King School, Greenwich Country, ak Stamford High School te ede ak jwèt, ti goute, konfigirasyon, ak fotografi.
"We were thrilled to have a robust influx of visitors all day. We have just settled into a new flagship location in the Shippan area, and it was a wonderful way to introduce the community to our organization alongside our partners," said Anka Badurina, Ph.D., Executive Director of Building One Community.
Edit: GOPIO-CT eli nouvo ekip nan GBM, rapòte plizyè inisyativ sosyal pandan pandemi