Building One Community Spreads Holiday Joy Among Immigrants

By Stamford Patch - Richard Kaufman STAMFORD, CT — Building One Community (B1C) – the center for immigrant opportunity - held two successful events last weekend to spread joy in the immigrant community.
They kicked off Friday night with a festive party that brought music, food, crafts, and dancing to the local immigrant community. Then, thanks to generous donors and partners, hundreds of immigrant children and families lined up on Saturday at 417 Shippan Ave. to receive toys and holiday wreaths.
"The holiday season is here, and many in our immigrant community are seeing their budgets stretched thin this year," said B1C Executive Director Dr. Anka Badurina in a news release. "Through the generosity of our community members, partners and volunteers, we were able to offer gifts to hundreds of young immigrant children. We hope to be able to continue to spread joy during this festive time of year."