Building One Community (B1C) Prepares Students for A Successful Year

By Building One Community, The Patch
Summer afternoons filled Building One Community’s (B1C) Shippan Ave center with curious students looking for fun and learning. As the Center for Immigrant Opportunity, B1C holds the summer program for children of immigrants who may not otherwise have the ability to attend traditional summer camps and get ahead in their schooling. Walking in a single file line to Cummings Park just across the street, the 40 eager students engaged in creative reading and math activities with partners and dedicated high school volunteers.
Teaming up in soccer games inspired by the active Copa America, dancing in Zumba classes and visiting neighbors at Grassroots Tennis for spirited play, the group had a blast making the most of the summer heat. The students also tried out new techniques for self-care with the Community Mindfulness Project through hands-on activities with singing bowls and deep breathing exercises.
What truly made the program was the group of dedicated high school volunteers. A group so large, the volunteer to student ratio was 3:1, qualifying as high-touch learning. Taking on more leadership roles, these volunteers presented lessons and facilitated breakout groups, and even occasionally led the lesson in full.