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La Caravana América central

More than 7,000 Central American migrants have arrived at the US-Mexico border after crossing Mexico and parts of Central America, according to official figures released by the Mexican Interior Ministry. They are staying in temporary shelters in the border cities of Tijuana and Mexicali. The immigrants say they are fleeing persecution, poverty and violence in their home countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. The immigrants say their goal is to settle in the US despite warnings by US officials that anyone found entering the country illegally will face arrest, prosecution and deportation. Long before the first members of the caravan reached the US border, President Donald Trump labelled the migrant caravan as “an invasion”, and he deployed about 5,800 troops to the southern border to “harden” the border protection.

A pesar de las golosinas, existe una obligación legal de escuchar las solicitudes de asilo de los inmigrantes que han llegado a los EE.UU. si ellos están huyendo debido a un temor grave de persecución. Según el derecho internacional, estos son considerados refugiados, y que tienen derecho a una audiencia de su demanda.

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