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La comunidad Building One de Stamford celebra el Día Nacional del Adolescente


Por Richard Kaufman, El parche

STAMFORD, CT — En el espíritu del Día Nacional del Adolescente el 21 de marzo, Building One Community (B1C) — El Centro para Oportunidades para Inmigrantes, reflexionó sobre los profundos impactos causados ​​por los jóvenes voluntarios en todo Stamford.

"With teenagers playing a pivotal role in our organization, we take this moment to extend a heartfelt thank you to the hundreds of high school students who have dedicated their time and talents to support our mission," said Anka Badurina, PhD, Executive Director, B1C, in a news release.

"Having amassed thousands of volunteer hours last year alone, these industrious young individuals from local public and private high schools have become a backbone of B1C’s community efforts. Their incredible commitment has enriched our diverse programs, including English Language Learning Youth led initiatives, the Homework Club, and various general community events."

Al celebrar el Día Nacional del Adolescente, B1C reconoce especialmente el verdadero espíritu de voluntariado ejemplificado por los jóvenes. Se sienten inspirados por su voluntad de servir y su capacidad para salvar las divisiones culturales a través de la educación y el apoyo.

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